6mm 'You are as sweet as Cherry Drops' Cherry Drops Sweets Holder on a Stand

Product Code: D213 - 2 PIECES - SC
Availability: In Stock
Dimension (L x D x H):
145.00 mm x 6.00 mm x 115.00 mm
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6mm 'You are as sweet as Cherry Drops' Cherry Drops Sweets Holder on a Stand

'You are as sweet as Cherry Drops' Chocolate Bar Holder
Bold wording joined to a frame shape which holds 1 love heart sweets 45g pack.
Sweets need to be pushed into the frame from the back and twisted to hold in place.
The design slots into a plain stand.
Approx 115mm Height x 145mm Width
Laser Cut 6mm MDF
All of our items are laser cut and etched in great detail for a more defined item.
Great item for home crafting or professional crafting.


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